How to Care for Your Suede Steering Wheel


If you own a vehicle that has a suede steering wheel, then you know how special it looks and feels. While it may seem like you need to be extra careful with your suede steering wheel, cleaning it is not as hard as it might seem. In this blog post, we’ll explain what a suede steering wheel is, why they require special care, and provide an easy step-by-step guide on how to clean yours safely and effectively.


What is a Suede Steering Wheel?

A suede steering wheel has been upholstered with a high-grade microfiber fabric known as “suede” or “vegan leather.” This type of fabric offers a superior grip and a softer feel than traditional leather or plastic steering wheels. It also has better tensile strength and durability than other fabrics used for automotive upholstery.


Why Suede Steering Wheels Require Special Care

Suede is a delicate fabric that can easily become stained or worn if not properly cared for. It requires more frequent cleaning than regular leather or plastic steering wheels because dirt and debris can accumulate on its surface more quickly due to its higher porosity. Additionally, wetting the fabric too much can cause the dye in the material to bleed, which will result in an uneven discoloration of the steering wheel over time.



Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean a Suede Steering Wheel


Preparation and Supplies Needed:

Before you start cleaning your suede steering wheel, make sure to have all the necessary supplies ready and handy such as a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment for removing debris, specialized cleaner for suede materials, lint-free cloths or paper towels for blotting away moisture after applying the cleaner, and a specialized tool such as an abrasive pad or brush specifically designed for use on suede materials.


Removing Loose Dirt and Debris:

Use your vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to remove any loose dirt or debris from the surface of your suede steering wheel before applying any cleaning solution; this will help prevent further staining from occurring due to dirt getting trapped under the cleaning solution when applied later on in the process.


Applying Cleaner and Blotting Away Excess Moisture:

Once you’re satisfied that all loose dirt has been removed from the surface of your suede steering wheel, apply some of the specialized cleaners onto your lint-free cloths or paper towels and begin wiping down the surface gently in small circular motions until all visible stains have been treated; be sure not to oversaturate the area with cleaner since this could cause discoloration over time due to excessive moisture being absorbed by the fabric fibers in the material itself. When finished, use dry lint-free cloths or paper towels to blot away any excess moisture left behind by the cleaning solution; again take care not to oversaturate the area while doing so since this could also cause discoloration over time due to moisture being absorbed into deeper layers of material fibers in certain areas of your suede steering wheel’s surface thus creating an uneven appearance over time when dried out completely.


Allowing Natural Drying Time:

Allow your cleaned suede steering wheel several hours (or even overnight) depending on how saturated with moisture it had become during Step 3 above before proceeding further; this will ensure that all excess moisture has had enough time to evaporate naturally thus preventing any potential discoloration due to overly moistened spots remaining within deeper layers of material fibers in certain areas once fully dried out afterward when proceeding onto the next step.


Brushing The Steering Wheel With A Specialized Tool:

Once your cleaned suede steering wheel has had enough time allowed for natural drying (see Step 4 above), use some sort of specialized tool such as an abrasive pad/brush specifically designed for use on delicate fabrics like those found within most types of upholstery today including most types typically used within automotive interiors (i. e., faux leather/vinyl/microfiber/etc.) so as not only remove any lingering dust particles still left within its surface but also revitalize its overall appearance by bringing some sheen and luster back into its finish; simply begin brushing lightly along its entire length using gentle strokes until completed.


Maintaining Good Care Of Your Suede Steering Wheel:

Moving forward, try not only avoiding contact with liquids (especially food items) but also practicing good dusting habits regularly like vacuuming at least once per week so as maintain good care of your newly cleaned/brushed upholstered microfiber/suede material found within most types typically found within automotive interiors today, thereby helping prolong its life span overall; additionally, making sure not only avoid contact with anything potentially harmful (i.e. sharp objects ) but also regularly inspect it visually every few months just in case anything seems amiss so as take corrective action immediately if needed.


In conclusion:

Benefits Of Properly Caring For Your Suede Steering Wheel Properly caring for your automobile’s interior is essential if you want it to look great both now and long into future years yet come; proper maintenance helps keep things looking their best regardless of whether made primarily from regular leather/plastic materials commonly found within most common cars today versus specialty fabrics like those found typically used within many luxury models which require extra attention when caring properly since they tend to be more delicate nature compared their counterparts previously mentioned earlier hereinabove!

Furthermore, utilizing specialized tools specifically designed to use upon these more delicate fabrics helps maintain their original sheen/luster far longer than would otherwise be possible without them, thus ultimately resulting better overall looking vehicle interior regardless of whatever model the car that you may own!

Finally, following the step-by-step instructions detailed hereinabove ensures one’s newly cleaned/brushed upholstery remains to look great long term! The bottom line is that learning how to properly maintain your vehicle’s interior pays off significantly both now and well into future years yet come! So take advantage information provided hereinabove and get started caring intuitively today!

And remember: always practice good dusting habits and regularly schedule professional detail services at least once every 3~4 months to maximize the longevity look feel automobile’s interior!


One final tip:

Cleaning a suede steering wheel can be quite daunting; however, follow the right steps and you’ll have your steering wheel looking as good as new. As with most cleaning jobs, preparation is essential for success so it’s important to begin by dusting the steering wheel with a soft cloth. Next, mix warm water and mild detergent before lightly rubbing the surface in small circles. Once all elements of the steering wheel have been treated, use a clean cloth to carefully dry off any remaining residue. Lastly, condition the suede with a leather protectant to keep it looking fresh for longer. But remember not to use too much force or cleaning products on your suede steering wheel – otherwise, you might cause more damage than good!


If you do want to use a suede cleaning spray, here is my recommendation:

Sonax Upholstery and Alcantara Cleaner


Happy motoring!




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